I am not surprised by the recent
revelation that the Democratic Party actively worked against Bernie Sanders
during the primaries, and I see it as baldly cynical and self-serving that they
have ousted Wasserman-Schultz, now that the damage to Mister Sanders has been
I am disappointed that Mister
Sanders will not be the Dem’s nominee for president. I think that he is an idealist, and ran for
the office in an effort to change things for the better. I think that Hilary Clinton is a politician
and is running because she wants to be president.
It is important to keep in mind
that the Democratic Party is a private organization. While it is usually in the party’s best
interest to go with the candidate who puts up the best numbers in the
primaries, the party is not bound by primary election results – they can
nominate whomever they want.
Considering all this, why would
they want Bernie? He has run and served for
decades as an Independent. Yes, he
caucuses with the Dems, and has faithfully championed progressive, liberal
ideals, but he has never done any of what is expected of a party member – made
phone calls, solicited contributions, traveled with and spoken on behalf of
another of the party’s candidates.
Bernie has attempted not just to jump on board, but to go for the top
spot, without ever having done any of these unpleasant tasks – the scut-work –
that a good party member must do. Hilary, and her husband, have done all of
these things.
Bernie wasn’t able to win a simple
majority. Realistically, he needed to
show results that were far and away better than Hilary’s to win the Dems
Suck it up. She’s better than Drumpf.
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